
I am still accepting books for review but on a VERY limited basis. If you are interested in my reviewing your book please check out my review policy and feel free to contact me at


Saturday, October 8, 2011

2012 Support Your Local Library Challenge


  • Anyone can join.
  • You don't need a blog to participate.  If you are a Non-blogger please leave a comment with a link (if you review elsewhere) to your review or with the book(s) you read.
  • Audio, ebooks (some libraries allow ebooks to be checked out), bound books are ok.
  • No re-reads
  • Create a sign up post and post the link in the linky below.
  • Challenge goes from January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012

Level 1 - Read 12 library books
Level 2 - Read 24 library books
Level 3 - Read 36 library books
Level 4 - Read 37+ library books

Link up your sign up posts

1. Organized Mess Library  42. Justice @ cheapblackpens  83. Slices from the Pear Lady  
2. Tales from the Crypt  43. Megan @ Hardcover Feedback  84. Emma @ Words And Peace  
3. Shannon  44. Margot  85. TFrances @ Wading Through  
4. epiBloguer (Cam)  45. IndianaJane  86. Page (One Book At A Time)  
5. Laura (Tampa BookWorm)  46. leela  87. kmkat and her kneedles  
6. Kristilyn @ Reading In Winter  47. Melissa @ Jayne's Books  88. Tracy  
7. Proud Book Nerd  48. Kari  89. Tammy @ Mug of Moxie  
8. Andrea  49. kim in ohio  90. Lulu @ The Bookworm is Here!  
9. Meg @ A Bookish Affair  50. Valentina @ PeekabooK!  91. Becky's Barmy Book Blog  
10. Renee (Addicted To Romance)  51. Paige @ Comfort Books  92. The World of Argon  
11. Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer  52. Braine  93. Brooke (Seven Apples)  
12. Dessa  53. Jessi  94. Veggiemomof2 @ Insanity, Table for 4  
13. Hellen  54. Tonya  95. Mariana  
14. Rae @ The Novel Nymph  55. Rachel  96. Young1  
15. Karen @ ocdaboutbooks  56. Shellabelle Reads  97. Kiti@kitiWrites  
16. Lisa the Nerd  57. SarcasticMuse  98. Gina @ My Precious  
17. Brittani @ Hope, Faith & Books  58. Bookish Hobbit  99. a hot cup of pleasure  
18. Erin @ Let's Evaluate  59. Susan @ Avid Series Reader  100. Srivalli  
19. Andie @ The World Behind A Shelf  60. fakesteph  101. Tressa S  
20. Ione @ Read It, Read It, Loved It  61. Small Review  102. Cinzia  
21. Kim@Time2Read  62. Muzette  103. Heather@The Flyleaf Review  
22. Bex @ An Armchair by the Sea  63. LostinStories  104. Andrea @ A Chick Who Reads  
23. Asheley @ Into the Hall of Books  64. Diana@SoNotARunner  105. The Prissy Book Snob  
24. The Book Junkie's Bookshelf  65. Carissa  106. Sara @ And She's Reading Again... How Novel  
25. Kelseykins  66. Amanda R.  107. Book Sniffers Anonymous  
26. Laura Ashlee @ Owl Tell You About It  67. Debz @ Debz Bookshelf  108. Lee S.  
27. Whitney @ She Is Too Fond Of Books  68. Christina T @ Reading Extensively  109. Literary Marie's Precision Reviews  
28. Beth G. @ Points West  69. Laura @ All of Everything  110. Rae @ The Silence in the Library  
29. Liza @ Reading with ABC  70. Kris @ Reading on Planet Caddick  111. Ashley Loves Books  
30. Deb@Debbie's Book Bag  71. Sean  112. Charlotte  
31. Sarah @ Sawcat's Book Blog  72. Alex @ Is It Amazing  113. Maphead's Book Blog  
32. thecoolmom@TheVeryLatestThing  73. Siobian @ Owl Bookmark Blog  114. Jen @ the Story So Far  
33. Sam @ The Little Munchkin Reader  74. Lindsay @ Pages and Pages  115. Notorious Spinks  
34. Book Snob Wannabe  75. Nulaanne  116. Suz @ A Soul Unsung (Mostly YA)  
35. Bunnita @ Worth Reading It  76. Amalia (  117. Sabrina  
36. Linda  77. Carrie (@wvredreads)  118. Lili Lost in a Book  
37. Linda Frances  78. Rochelle @ Books Like Stars  119. Sergio @ Tipping My Fedora  
38. Denise @ So Many Books, So Little Time  79. Edel @ Room 304  120. Catarijna  
39. Andrea @ The Busy Bibliophile  80. Lauren  121. Ellen (Goodreads)  
40. Jenn @ Simply...Challenging  81. Kristin T. @ Always With a Book  
41. Katrina @ Tangled String Theory  82. orannia  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Shannon said...

Just found this...and this is one I could really succeed at! Count me in!


Anonymous said...

I love this! I am signed up. :)

Meg @ A Bookish Affair said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog but I saw this challenge on Proud Book Nerd's site and knew that this would be a great challenge for me!

Hellen said...

Hi! I found a link to this on another site. This challenge shouldn't be too difficult for me, as most of the books I read (those that are not e-books) are from the library.

Anonymous said...

I spend most of my days at the library, to the point where the librarians know me by name. I am SO going to do this challenge. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I've just started getting books form the library, I definitely want to participate!

Linda said...

I made an error. The first Linda (35) did not connect to my post regarding the challenge.

The correct link is Linda Frances 36.

Katrina said...

I've been wanting to rediscover my library. Thanks for the motivation. This is my first challenge. Hopefully I'll do it right.

Anonymous said...

I am going to join in this year - will set up my blog post and then return to add myself to Mr Linky :)

Unknown said...

Signed up and I'm gunning for level 4!

Miss Hillbilly said...

I was going to go for level 3 but then that is kind of silly since our family checks out a TON of books so I am changing it to level 4!

Susan said...

This challenge is perfect for me, since most books I read are from the library. Even most ebooks I plan to read next year can be checked out (downloaded) from the library.

Literary Marie said...

Great challenge! I'm signing up.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite challenges because I love the library so much. Thanks so much for hosting!

Unknown said...

Sounds great! I get 97% of my books from the library so I signed up for 37+ as long as crossovers from other challenges count! :)

thecoolmom said...

I signed up for 12 but I'm sure many more than that will be in the total.

Unknown said...

HELLO and Happy New Year!

I was wondering if you could create a progress bar for this that we all could grab to track or book count? Thanks!

Rochelle said...

I love this challenge, it's a great way to support libraries in your area. It's my second year doing it and this time I chose level 2.

@Braine (Talk Supe):
You can find progress bars here:

Unknown said...


Kristin said...

This is my third year participating in this challenge - I love going to the library!

orannia said...

Like Kristin, this is also my third year participating in this challenge. Thank you so much for hosting it!

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite challenges, especially since I do it anyway. XD Already linked via my blog. Thanks for hosting. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for hosting this! I read 63 books from my local public library last year, so I'm going for level 4 in 2012:

deanna_boocock said...

Don't have a blog but post my reviews on Goodreads as Deanna Boocock. I am aiming for Level 4 - at least 50+
deanna_boocock (at) hotmail (dot) com

deanna_boocock said...

Don't have a blog but post my reviews on Goodreads as Deanna Boocock. I am aiming for Level 4 - at least 50+
deanna_boocock (at) hotmail (dot) com

Gina @ My Precious said...

I actually love our DIGITAL library. I use it through Library2go. Usually reading on my kindle. Thanks for hosting such a great challenge. I'm going for level 1 hope I can read 12 books.

Tressa said...

I joined with a Goodreads link. I've already got 14 books on there that I've read this year. I will definitely be able to meet level four since most of my books come from the library and I read around 100 or so a year. Thanks for setting up the challenge!

goldmoon said...

Hi :-)
I found this challenge in a friend's blog and I'm excited to join it :-)

Vernadette said...

Thanks for developing this challenge! We all need to promote local library more. I signed up for level 1.

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

Thanks for hosting this great challenge. I just have a quick question... do manga/graphic novels count as a book?

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! One I can whole-heartedly support! Many thanks for thinking this one up. I'm going to try level 1.

Anonymous said...

Just found this. Sign me up! Put me down for Level 4!

barmybex said...

It's only June and I've completed this challenge! Now read 43 library books. :D

Jamie Ghione said...

I wish I knew about this at the end of last year. I've already read about 40 books from the library this year.

Anonymous said...

Very oddly I started posting reviews as part of a self-imposed challenge with exactly the same name without realising that I had been roundly beaten to it, so i thought I should join in! I didn't link to my first post though, which should have been:

Sergio (Tipping My Fedora)

Peek-a-booK! said...

Hi there!
I completed the challenge, you can find the list of the books I read here:

Thanks for hosted it! :)


Anonymous said...

I have completed this challenge :)

Find my list here:

sawcat said...

I've long since completed the challenge:

Signed up for level one, but ended up completing level 4, although I stopped updating the list.

Anonymous said...

finished and updated just in time :D